Thursday, July 14, 2011


Nepal was previously a Hindu kingdom. But when the king and the monarchy system was over thrown by the people. Our country was declared as a secular state. Before majority of Nepalese were Hindu, so our country was said to be Hindu kingdom. At present, all the religions, language, and cultures are given equal importance’s or value. Now no religion is superior or inferior to any other. Though still there are the people in majority following Hinduism all the religions are equally given priority. People are free to choose their religion and worship their own God. Apart from Hinduism, there are other religions such as Buddhism, Christinity, Islam, Kirantasim etc. All the gods and goddesses Lord Buddha, Jesus Christ, Prophet Mohammed and others have equal importance in their own place. No one is forced to follow the particular religion. Since our country is a secular state all the people can proudly follow their own religion customs and traditions.

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