Thursday, July 14, 2011


Our country Nepal is an agricultural country. Most of the people are farmers. They depend on agriculture, which is the backbone of the country, supplies people with the daily needs. Agricultural sectors provide us with many benefits and achievements. So, unless Nepal can develop agricultural sectors, the upliftment of the country proves to be impossible. More than 90% of the people are employed in agricultural sectors. If we can develop it properly, the problem of unemployment is easily solved. In Nepal, there are some industries which are based on agricultural products. It provides raw materials to agriculture – based industries. Furthermore, some raw materials for cottage industries can be provided from agriculture. Thus agricultural development in Nepal is very important to provide daily needs to the people, increase exports, cut down imports, solve the problem of unemployment and provide raw materials to some industries. The development of the country depends on the agricultural development. The government and responsible sectors should give the top-most priority to agricultural development

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